January 23, 2018
Hi Rick,
I wanted to connect with you because I saw all your resources and information on your website, like the ones found here (http://www.rickwangfinancial.
We really appreciated all the insights and tips you are able to provide to you readers and are hoping that you might be interested in additional financial literacy resources. Perhaps this is something you might want share with your readers?
Our team here at U.S. News & World Report recently created a guide that breakdowns when a secure credit card makes sense for consumers, how they work as well as their benefits. - I think your readers would find it beneficial!
Your website provided such amazing resource and I thought our guide would be great supplemental information for your readers! Would you be interested in mentioning our guide on your site?
Thank you for your consideration,
Ashley McNamara
Outreach Associate working with U.S. News & World Report
Here is the link (https://creditcards.usnews.com/secured) for the U.S. News & World Report Guide for best credit cards 2018.